How to use:

1. Unzip Lenomola firmware zip to some/path (Don't put them to Desktop or C:\, this may cause problems).

2. Unzip this tool: Tiny-Fastboot-Script.*.zip, then you can find [flash.bat] and [tools folder].

3. Move [flash.bat] + [tools folder] to firmware's unzipped folder.

4. Run flash.bat, choose the option you need to use.


1. Please always use the latest version of Tiny Fastboot Script.

2. Don't try to downgrade your firmware.

3. Don't try to flash non your device model or carrier's firmware.

Advanced: Execute custom commands:

1. Under tool/custom folder, rename custom.cmd.example to custom.cmd.

2. You can refer to the introduction in the file, and use a modern text editor to write fastboot commands by yourself.

About CMD syntax please search related articles.

3. Please note that the file encoding format must be saved as ANSI, otherwise it will be garbled.

4. The custom commands will be executed before flashing the full or custom firmware.