
使用其中某些资源可能会包括但不限于损坏您的设备,SD 卡,失去官方保修等等。我们无义务就因您使用这些资源造成的任何损失,负任何可能性的法律以及道德责任。

我们的 Telegram 群: https://t.me/lolinet 仅限固件请求,仅接受纯英文交流。


保持固件的更新并不是我们的责任和义务。如果您发现您的设备接收到了在线更新,但我们并未更新其完整固件,请下个月再来询问,并提供你的 IMEI 和序列号。通常情况下是由于厂商并未释放完整的固件。

我们仅会保留 Lenomola 固件 5 年,Lenowow 及其它设备固件 3 年(自该设备发布之日起算),然后将其移动到我们其它分站。请查阅 _obsoleted_ 文件夹。在第 6 年,我们将会彻底将这些设备的固件从我们的任何网站上删除。

The resources provided on this site are collected from the Internet.

All files can be downloaded for free. Please do not use them for commercial purposes. Using some of these resources may include, but is not limited to, damage your device, SD card, loss of official warranty, etc. We are not obligated to bear any possible legal or moral responsibility for any losses caused by your use of these resources.

Our Telegram Group: https://t.me/lolinet (Firmware request only, not GSI, not speaking English may be banned). We only understand English & Chinese.

In order to find the firmware version easily, use a large screen computer to browse is recommended.

We are very busy at work, not have free time every day. All firmware is uploaded manually by us, not a bot or programs, keeping the firmware up-to-date is not our obligation. We are not profiting from this hobby. If you find that your device has a system update, and we didn't update, please ask us again in next month, and provide your IMEI and Serial Number, usually the reason is that the vendor has not released full firmware yet.

We only keep the Lenomola firmware for 5 years, Lenowow & Others firmware for 3 years (Calculated from the date of device release), then move them to other subsites, please check _obsoleted_ directory. After the 6th year, we will delete them permanently.